EXPLORERS Preteen Camp
For Kids Completing 3rd-6th Grade
Explorers Camp provides fun in the sun for campers while learning about God and staying in one of West Texas’ incredible canyons!

Session 1- June 09-12, 2025
Session 2- June 22-25, 2025
Session 3- July 14-17, 2025

To reserve your spot for camp:
Sign your church up using the form below and submit payment for your spots held. A $500 church deposit is required with in 14 days of submitting the group sign up form. The remaining deposit (total number of spots held x $50 minus the $500 church deposit) is due by February 28, 2025.
Deposits can be paid online with a card or e-check or by mail with a check.
Cost of Camp:
Early Registration Discount: Individual registration forms completed before March 31, 2025- $225
Regular Registration: Individual Registration Forms completed April 1st-30th: $240
Late Registration: Individual Registration Forms completed May 1st-May 16th: $255
Important Camp Info:
Registration Closes Friday, May 16th, 2025. All forms must be completed for individuals by Friday, May 16th, 2025.
To participate in the blob activities, students must be 10 years old at the time they are completing the activity.
Group leaders: All attendees 18 and older must complete the child protection training and have a recent background check. These must be submitted to Cassandra, cassandra@pbacamp.org by May 16th, 2025.
- How do I register kids for camp?
- Counselor Registration
- Help! I'm a group leader!
- What to Bring
- Bible Study
- Form for Medications in Ziplock Bag
- Still have questions?
Use our FAQ section to find out more about camp!
After the group leader completes the group sign up and pays the deposit, the group leader will get an email with registration instructions (complete with screenshots and a walk-thru guide) that can be sent to camper parents and legal guardians.
All attendees over the age of 18 must register for camp prior to the closing date for your session. Counselors will receive registration instructions from their group leader on how to register, complete their Child Protection Training (CPT), and have their background check completed before the registration close date. Please contact your group leader for information on completing these steps.
Congrats on being a group leader for camp! We are excited to help you through the registration process and getting ready for camp. Here is some important info to help get you started with camp:
- Registration closes May 22nd, 2023
- All persons over the age of 18 attending camp are required to have a valid Child Protection Training (CPT) Certificate and a background check. The CPT Certificates expire every 2 years and background checks must be completed yearly. Click here to see an example of how to submit the documents.
- All attendees must have a registration completed through our online registration system. For those under the age of 18, this must be completed by the legal guardian of the camper.
- The state requires a minimum of 1 sponsor (18 and older) for every 10 students.
- We are here to help! Call or email if you have questions, or concerns, or need any other info. We are just as excited as you are for camp and can’t wait to see you this summer!
Click here for our what to bring list.
Click here for our what to bring list.
Medications (prescriptions and non-prescription) must all be in their original container. Please click here for instructions on how to pack them for camp.
Call or email us if you have any additional questions! Our office number is 806-983-3954. You can send an email to info@pbacamp.org